Drive smarter, data-driven decisions with Focus X ERP. By seamlessly integrating real-time analytics into daily operations, we empower businesses to streamline processes, cut costs, and boost productivity.

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Data Centric



Why Focus X?

Choose Focus X for its seamless integration, real-time insights, advanced security, and agile adaptability, all enhancing your business efficiency.

Manage All Business Operations

Focus X is an all-inclusive enterprise resource planning system designed for smooth and efficient business management. Leveraging advanced technology, it automates routine tasks, delivers valuable insights through robust analytics, and offers customizable dashboards tailored to your specific needs. As a scalable and secure enterprise resource program, it evolves effortlessly with your business, ensuring data integrity, compliance, and seamless growth. With Focus X, experience enhanced productivity, innovation, and strategic decision-making that empowers your business for sustainable success and long-term competitiveness.

Make Ultrafast Decisions

Focus X, a cloud-based enterprise resource program, delivers critical insights to optimize business operations. By accessing real-time data and actionable intelligence, you can make well-informed decisions that drive growth. This integrated enterprise resource ERP software offers powerful analytics and customizable reports, enabling users to track key performance indicators, analyze trends, and identify areas for improvement. Whether it's generating daily sales summaries, detailed financial reports, or analyzing customer behavior, the ERP system empowers businesses to make strategic decisions with confidence, ensuring long-term success and efficiency.

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Our Notable Industry Accolades

Best Software Award Winner Best Software Award Winner
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Enhance Business Agility &
Operational Excellence

Focus X is an all-in-one ERP solution that centralizes business data, enhances accuracy, and adapts to changing environments with AI-driven, cloud-based tools.

  • Centralizes data across all processes
  • AI-enabled with advanced forecasting tools
  • Adapts to dynamic business environments for growth

Proactively Solve Problems with Embedded AI

Automate repetitive tasks, make sense of immense data, and provide an unparalleled user experience with Focus AI. Use artificial intelligence and machine learning in Focus X to get real-time insights into different aspects of your company and find ways to optimize operations, increase accuracy and improve workflows.

ai-driven system icon AI-Driven System 

Focus X utilizes an AI-driven system to enhance its functionality and efficiency. This technology leverages artificial intelligence to automate complex tasks, analyze large datasets, and provide predictive insights.


By integrating AI, the ERP system improves decision-making, optimizes processes, and offers personalized recommendations. The AI-driven capabilities ensure that the system adapts to changing business needs and delivers intelligent solutions, making operations smoother and more efficient.


data centric Data Centric 

Focus X is designed with a data-centric approach, highlighting the significance of precise and thorough data management. By centralizing core business information, the ERP system ensures that all data is easily


accessible and actionable. This focus on data integrity and availability supports informed decision-making, efficient reporting, and strategic planning. The data-centric design enhances the system’s ability to deliver valuable insights and maintain high data quality across all business operations.


people augmented icon People Augmented 

The people-augmented feature of Focus X enhances user productivity by integrating advanced technologies that support and complement human capabilities. This includes AI-driven tools and intuitive interfaces that


streamline tasks and automate routine processes. By augmenting human skills with technology, the ERP system helps users perform their roles more effectively and efficiently. This approach leads to improved collaboration, faster decision-making, and a more productive work environment.


enabling agility icon Enabling Agility 

Focus X is designed to enable agility in business operations by providing flexible and adaptive solutions. The ERP system’s agile features allow businesses to quickly respond to market changes and evolving


requirements. By offering real-time data, customizable reports, and scalable functionalities, Focus X ensures that organizations can swiftly adjust their strategies and processes. This agility supports innovation and competitiveness in a dynamic business environment, facilitating rapid adaptation to new opportunities and challenges.


Move Beyond Post-Modern ERP With Focus X

Elevate your business operations with Focus X—transcend traditional ERP systems and embrace next-level efficiency and innovation.


The advanced dashboards offer data-rich info-panels that are customizable to display the specific information you need. They provide a comprehensive view of key metrics and performance indicators, allowing you make well-informed decisions every time.


In-Memory Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) enables you to handle the most demanding data transactions almost instantaneously. It ensures that large volumes of real-time data are processed quickly and efficiently, optimizing performance and reducing wait times.


Voice User Interface (VUI) processing allows you to use voice or text commands to access information and generate reports. It provides a hands-free, user-friendly experience that simplifies interactions, making data retrieval and report generation more efficient.


The intuitive UI ensures a stress-free experience, making it easier to access and manage different functions within the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The design minimizes complexity and promotes efficiency, allowing users to focus on their tasks without confusion.


You can opt for secure and convenient login options using biometrics. Utilize the built-in fingerprint scanner on your laptop or an external biometric device to access the system. This streamlines the login process, providing quick and reliable access to secured business data.


Secure payment gateway integration ensures that transactions are both simple and safe. This function supports a streamlined and reliable payment process through the ERP system, protecting sensitive financial information and minimizing the risk of fraud.


Multiple user logins from a single device using biometric authentication allows several users to access their individual accounts securely and conveniently, ensuring efficient use of shared devices. This maintains high security while facilitating seamless access to the users.


WhatsApp integration enables you to send reports, invoices, payment reminders, and other communications directly through WhatsApp chat. This integration simplifies the process of sharing important information by leveraging a widely used messaging platform.

Access Unmatchable Capabilities

tasks icon
Automate Tasks and Optimize Workflows

Focus X streamlines operations by automating routine tasks and optimizing workflows. This includes automating data entry, generating reports, and managing inventory, which reduces manual effort and minimizes human error. By automating repetitive processes, the system enhancing productivity and efficiency, enabling employees to concentrate on more strategic tasks. Workflow optimization ensures that tasks are completed in a logical and efficient sequence, improving overall operational effectiveness and speeding up response times.

track icon
Track Data and Perform Predictive Analysis

Focus X provides comprehensive data tracking and advanced predictive analysis capabilities. The system collects and monitors key performance indicators, historical data, and real-time information from various business functions. Using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, it performs predictive analysis to forecast trends, identify potential issues, and suggest actionable strategies. This capability allows businesses to anticipate future needs, make informed decisions, and proactively address challenges, leading to more strategic and data-driven planning.

insights icon
Provide Deep Insights into Your Business

Focus X offers deep insights into various aspects of your business through advanced analytics and reporting tools. The system aggregates and analyzes data from multiple sources, presenting it in actionable formats such as detailed reports and visual dashboards. These insights help you understand performance metrics, track progress against goals, and uncover underlying trends. By providing a clear view of your business operations, Focus X enables you to make strategic decisions based on comprehensive and accurate information.

customize dashboard icon
Customize Dashboard Display

Focus X allows users to customize dashboard displays to meet their specific needs and preferences. The flexible dashboard design enables you to choose which data and metrics are prominently featured, adjust layout preferences, and create personalized views. This level of customization guarantees that users get access to the most relevant information quickly and efficiently, improving usability and allowing for a more tailored experience that aligns with individual roles and responsibilities within the organization.

scalable icon
Scalable to Add or Remove Users and Data

Focus X is designed with scalability in mind, enabling you to effortlessly add or remove users and manage data based on your business requirements. As your organization evolves or expands, you can adjust the system’s capacity to accommodate more users, integrate new data sources, or expand functionalities. This scalability ensures that the ERP system remains aligned with your evolving requirements, providing continued support and flexibility as your business evolves and scales.

robust security icon
Include Robust Security Features

Focus X includes robust security features to protect sensitive business data and ensure compliance with industry standards. The system incorporates advanced security measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. These features safeguard against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. By prioritizing data protection and system integrity, Focus X helps maintain the confidentiality and security of your business information, providing peace of mind and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Integrations to Elevate Your Daily Operations

Our ERP systems seamlessly integrate with popular 3rd party applications to make your work easier.

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Sealed Air Client logo Abu Dhabi National Hotels Adishwar Salem Ahmad Almoosa Enterprise Benelll Bloom Education Diversey my Govindas Jockey Marafie Group MS Education Academy Pai International Q Mart Sealed Air Sealed Air

Explore the Core Features

In-Memory Computing

In-memory computing within Focus X accelerates data processing by storing and managing data directly in the system's RAM rather than on traditional disk storage. This approach significantly speeds up data access and transaction processing, enabling real-time analytics and instant query responses. By leveraging in-memory technology, the ERP system handles large volumes of data efficiently, ensuring high performance and reduced latency, which is crucial for operations that require rapid data retrieval and analysis.

Industry Ready Templates

Focus X offers a range of industry-ready templates tailored to specific business sectors, streamlining the ERP implementation process. These pre-designed templates are crafted to address the specific needs and compliance standards of different industries such as manufacturing, retail, and finance. They provide a customizable foundation that accelerates setup, reduces manual configuration, and ensures that industry-specific best practices and compliance standards are integrated into the system from the start.

Advanced Security Log

The Advanced Security Log feature in Focus X provides comprehensive monitoring and auditing of all system activities. It records detailed logs of user actions, system changes, and access events, which are essential for tracking security incidents and ensuring compliance. This functionality allows administrators to examine and evaluate security-related data, detect suspicious activities, and respond to potential threats promptly, enhancing the overall security posture of the ERP system.

Thin Client Deployment

Thin Client Deployment in Focus X allows users to access the ERP system through lightweight, resource-efficient client devices. This deployment model minimizes the need for powerful hardware on user workstations, as the server does the heavy lifting. Thin clients provide a cost-effective and scalable solution, offering remote access and centralized management while ensuring that system updates and maintenance are streamlined and simplified.

Authorization & Escalations

The Authorization & Escalations feature in Focus X guarantees that only authorized individuals can access designated functions and data within the ERP system. It includes configurable access controls and permission levels that manage user roles and responsibilities. Additionally, it supports escalation procedures, allowing for automated routing of tasks and approvals to higher authority levels when necessary, which enhances workflow efficiency and maintains operational integrity.

3rd Party Apps & RESTful APIs

Focus X integrates seamlessly with third-party applications and services through RESTful APIs. This capability enables the ERP system to connect and exchange data with external software solutions, such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and financial tools. The use of RESTful APIs facilitates smooth integration, enhances interoperability, and supports the expansion of system functionalities by incorporating additional applications that align with the organization’s needs.

Digital Documentation

Digital Documentation in Focus X streamlines the management and storage of electronic documents. This functionality enables users to generate, save, and access documents digitally, reducing reliance on paper-based records. It includes tools for document versioning, indexing, and retrieval, ensuring that all important business documents are easily accessible and organized. Digital documentation enhances efficiency, improves compliance, and supports environmental sustainability by minimizing physical paperwork.

Dedicated Server for Reports

The Dedicated Server for Reports feature in Focus X ensures that reporting functions are handled by a separate, dedicated server. This setup optimizes performance by isolating reporting tasks from other system processes, which helps manage large datasets and generate complex reports without impacting the overall system performance. It provides faster report generation, improved reliability, and a more efficient reporting experience for users who need timely and accurate business insights.

Simplify Your Everyday Work

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What Makes Focus X the Best Solution?

The ERP software integrates all your operations into one seamless platform, allowing you to tackle challenges head-on and drive your business toward success.

ERP System Made to Fit Any Industry

Focus X, the enterprise resource ERP system, is crafted to be flexible and adaptable, making it ideal for a variety of industries. Whether you're in manufacturing, retail, healthcare, or finance, the system can be customized to address the specific needs of your sector. It streamlines operations, provides valuable insights, and ensures regulatory compliance, helping businesses in diverse fields achieve operational efficiency and success. The ERP's flexibility allows for tailored solutions that address unique industry challenges and opportunities.

Keep Your Business Data Safe

Focus X prioritizes data security with robust measures to safeguard your sensitive information. The enterprise resource program implements advanced security protocols, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits, to protect against threats and breaches. By ensuring data confidentiality and integrity, the system mitigates risks and provides peace of mind that your valuable business data is secure from unauthorized access and cyber-attacks.

Take Control of Your Tools, Teams, and Processes

With enterprise resource planning systems, you gain comprehensive control over your business operations. The ERP system centralizes information and provides a unified view of tools, teams, and processes, allowing you to manage and oversee every aspect of your business effortlessly. This centralized control enhances efficiency, coordination, and decision-making, leading to smoother operations and smarter management practices that drive overall business success.

Automate Each Step of Your

Focus X enables you to automate your entire workflow, from start to finish, with its advanced enterprise resource program. Automation reduces manual effort by streamlining repetitive tasks and processes, ensuring that activities are completed efficiently and accurately. This end-to-end automation minimizes errors, speeds up operations, and allows more time for strategic activities, ultimately enhancing productivity and operational effectiveness.

Keep Tabs on Things That Are Happening Now

Stay informed with real-time visibility using the IT ERP system. It provides up-to-date data on current activities and operations, allowing you to monitor and respond to events as they happen. This real-time insight supports data-driven decision-making, enabling you to address issues promptly, capitalize on opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge to staying ahead of the competition by manging market dynamics and operational changes.

See the ROI Sooner

Our enterprise resource ERP is designed to deliver accelerated returns on investment. Its streamlined approach and efficient implementation process ensure that you start seeing tangible results quickly. By optimizing operations and improving productivity, the ERP system helps you realize the benefits and financial gains of your investment sooner, driving your business forward and achieving growth objectives in a shorter timeframe.

Dealing Business Challenges with Focus X

Complicated Operations

From tangled processes to inventory woes, Focus X is here to transform your operations and propel your business forward.
In lots of businesses, different departments end up using their own systems, which can cause a lot of inefficiencies, delays, and mistakes. But with our enterprise resource management software, Focus X, all your business functions come together in one place. Whether it's sales, finance, HR, or inventory management, everything's linked up. No more bouncing between systems or losing track of data. Your team can work together smoothly, with updates in real-time and a clear view of operations all in one spot.

Ineffective Resource Management

When stockouts one day and overstock the next sound familiar, it's time to regain control of the ERP system. Accurate inventory management is critical to any business. Focus X offers advanced enterprise resource management features like real-time inventory tracking and smart forecasting. Know exactly when to reorder and how much to keep in stock. With the ERP’s automated alerts and predictive analytics, you can prevent costly surprises and streamline your supply chain. The IT ERP system ensures that your shelves are always stocked with the right products at the right time, optimizing cash flow and minimizing waste.

Disrupted Communication

Show your customers the care they deserve. Building strong customer relationships is an important key to business success. Our enterprise resource planning system, Focus X, centralizes customer information and service history, empowering your team to deliver personalized experiences. From targeted marketing to responsive support, this enterprise resource management system helps you exceed expectations and build loyalty. By understanding each customer's preferences, with our enterprise resource ERP, you can tailor offerings, fostering lasting relationships that drive repeat business.

Poor Compliance Management

Struggling with compliance can open the door to legal issues, significant penalties, and a damaged reputation. Focus X tackles this head-on with its powerful compliance management features, designed to keep you on track with industry regulations. By efficiently tracking and managing regulatory requirements, the enterprise resource management system minimizes the risk of non-compliance, helping you avoid penalties and upholding your company's stellar reputation.

Delayed Data Access

When critical information is not available in real-time, businesses struggle with delays that slow decision-making and impede timely responses to market shifts or operational challenges. Focus X transforms this by delivering real-time data access, giving you immediate insight into performance metrics. This instant visibility accelerates decision-making and boosts your ability to adapt quickly, making your business more agile and responsive to changes.

Weak Security

Weak security measures can expose your sensitive data to breaches and unauthorized access, risking data loss, financial damage, and eroded customer trust. Focus X, our enterprise resource planning system, tackles this issue head-on with cutting-edge security protocols, including robust encryption and stringent access controls. By fortifying your data against threats and preserving its integrity, Focus X ensures top-notch protection, bolstering overall security and reinforcing customer confidence in your business.


image for happy clients

" Focus Softnet has always been helpful in meeting our requirements. There have been challenges on the way where either our requirements changed, or we needed something different. But Focus Softnet has always worked towards catering to our needs and we are quite satisfied with their solutions. "

Dr. Suheel Ahmed - CEO, Arabian Farms

" Focus i is going to be an integral part of our success story, and we are very pleased with the round-the-clock support that we received from Focus Team. "

- Sojan Varghese- General Manager, Saif Salim Essa Al-Harasi & Co.

" Focus Softnet has always been helpful in meeting our requirements. There have been challenges on the way where either our requirements changed, or we needed something different. But Focus Softnet has always worked towards catering to our needs and we are quite satisfied with their solutions. "

- Dr. Suheel Ahmed - CEO, Arabian Farms

" Focus i is going to be an integral part of our success story, and we are very pleased with the round-the-clock support that we received from Focus Team."

- Sojan Varghese General Manager, Saif Salim Essa Al-Harasi & Co.

Tell us what's not working for you. We'll work with you to design the optimal solution that meets your needs.

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What is an ERP system, and how can it benefit my business?

An ERP or enterprise resource planning system is an integrated software solution that manages and automates various business processes across an organization. It helps streamline operations, improve data accuracy, and enhance decision-making by providing a centralized platform for managing key functions such as finance, supply chain, human resources, and customer relations. The benefits include increased efficiency, real-time insights, better compliance, and cost savings.

Can the ERP system be customized to fit my industry-specific needs?

Yes, ERP systems like Focus X are designed to be highly adaptable and customizable to fit the unique requirements of different industries. Whether you're in manufacturing, retail, healthcare, or any other sector, the ERP can be tailored to address industry-specific processes, regulations, and best practices. This customization ensures that the system effectively supports your business operations and goals.

How does the ERP system ensure the security of my data?

Focus X incorporates robust security measures to protect your data, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. The system also features role-based access controls implemented to restrict unauthorized personnel from accessing sensitive information. Additionally, the ERP system is designed to comply with industry standards and regulations, further safeguarding your business data from threats and breaches.

What kind of support and training are available for new ERP users?

Focus X offers comprehensive support and training services to facilitate a seamless transition to the ERP system. This includes onboarding assistance, user training sessions, and access to detailed documentation and tutorials. Our support team is available to address any technical issues or questions that arise, providing ongoing help to your team to effectively utilize and maximize the benefits of the ERP system.

How long does it typically take to implement an ERP system?

The implementation timeline for an ERP system may differ based on the intricacy of your business processes and the level of customization required. On average, the implementation process typically ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity and scope of the project. We provide a detailed project plan along with the timeline to guide you through each phase, including initial setup, data migration, user training, and system testing, to ensure a successful deployment.

What is In-Memory Computing, and how does it benefit the ERP system?

In-memory computing is a technology that stores data in the system’s RAM rather than on traditional disk storage. This approach significantly speeds up data retrieval and processing times, enabling real-time analytics and faster transaction handling. For an ERP system, in-memory computing improves overall performance, reduces latency, and allows for quicker decision-making by providing immediate access to critical business data.

How does the ERP system integrate with other third-party applications?

Focus X uses RESTful APIs to integrate seamlessly with third-party applications and services. This capability allows the ERP system to connect and exchange data with external tools such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and financial software. Integration through APIs enhances the ERP system’s functionality, facilitates smooth data flow between systems, and supports a cohesive technology ecosystem within your organization.

What are industry-ready templates, and how do they help in ERP implementation?

Industry-ready templates are pre-designed, customizable templates within the ERP system that are tailored to meet the specific needs of various industries. These templates streamline the implementation process by providing a ready-made structure that aligns with industry standards and practices. They reduce setup time, minimize configuration errors, and ensure that the ERP system is quickly adapted to support industry-specific requirements and best practices.

Can the ERP system be accessed remotely, and if so, how?

Yes, Focus X can be accessed remotely through cloud-based deployment. Users can access their accounts and log in from any location with an internet connection via web browsers or mobile applications. This remote access allows for flexible work arrangements, enhances collaboration among distributed teams, and ensures that you can manage and monitor your business operations from anywhere, increasing overall productivity and accessibility.

What kind of return on investment (ROI) can I expect from implementing an ERP system?

Implementing an ERP system like Focus X typically leads to significant ROI through improved efficiency, reduced operational costs, and enhanced decision-making. By automating processes, centralizing data, and optimizing workflows, the system helps streamline operations and identify cost-saving opportunities. Businesses often see a faster ROI through increased productivity, better resource management, and the ability to make informed, data-backed decisions that fuel growth and boost profitability.